Do not be fooled by the gym name. We are not an ordinary gym filled with treadmills and stationary bikes, or full of people looking for hook ups. We are specialists in muscle development, weight loss, or gains at the highest level. We exist so that no one has to spend countless hours working out at the gym getting frustrated with little to no results. We guarantee, with our guidance, 3x the muscle in a third of the time. If you can dream it, we can make it come true.

About the Trainer

Meet the Muscle Whisperer

From diet to workouts, everything we teach, we created. I am a real-life muscle whisperer. No, this is not a play on words. This is the name my clients gave me years ago. The second I touch the bar to spot someone, I get a mental x-ray of the body and spirit. It also tells me what’s more important to them than eating and what their real motivation for working out is. Building a great body requires having the knowledge to know what todo physically, but it also requires knowing what motivates someone to want a new body. We also need to know what’s more important to them than eating, because to guarantee someone a new body in 12 weeks I have to be able to control their diet. This is what it takes to get you to your dream body.

me at the Americana

My client

some of my past workout partners

Me at The Americana

My Client

Some of my past Workout Partners

Our Unique Method

The Quick Change Way of Training

What if you had the chance to work out with the current Mr. America for the day? It’s Impressive, what you could learn just watching him train one day. Imagine what you would learn if you trained with him for a week, or month, or even longer. What would you do with that kind of help? This is basically what I did to create the Quick Change Way. Except I didn’t work out with Mr. America for one day. I worked out with no less than 10 Mr. America’s, Mr. Worlds, Mr. Universes, pro wrestlers, and pro boxers. And not only for a day, for months. Enough to learn their secrets that gave them the edge over other competitors. For 10 years, I was with Doug’s Gym, owner Doug Eidds, right-hand man. Most of the equipment in Doug’s was mine. Doug’s Gym was the best old-school gym in America. All the top people that came to Dallas train with me. There’s no way to describe how much I learned from these meetings.I used this new found knowledge to train for the Mr.Americana which I won, and again for the lone star classic which I also co produced with Marvin Meinstein out of Ft Worth.

Real Results, Incredible Transformations



With all this said there are a few groups of people I specialize in helping.

  • 12 Week Body Transformation & Makeover
    Includes weekly pictures, body fat measurements, and all the clients are taught perfect fundamentals and how to train on their own.

  • Young Athlete
    Bigger, faster, Stronger.

  • Senior Citizens
    Strength and stability. We also offer these classes in group rates so that no budget is too small to join.

  • Fundamentals
    How to hold the bar, what angle to do a rep, how many reps to do, if you’re training or overtraining, and much more.

  • Troubleshooting
    This is for anyone who is unhappy with their results. I will find the problem and show them how to correct it. My help comes with a money-back guarantee, of course.

  • Diet and Nutrition Class
    I have my own unique way of dieting that guarantees to keep you on track to keep your body. This is the diet I used to win the Americana. It basically is not a diet.

About the Trainer

Meet the Muscle Whisperer

I am the creater of this way of traing and I am the only person using it at this time. Figuerative 3 times more muscle in 1/3 of the time.

Erick became one of my best friends and thru this friendship Doug open doors to train with some of the best bodies of the time like Brian Bosh and King Cooerio the Proteam Wrester Boxer Sugar Ray Phillips and Chef Billy Whitecloud Mr World at the time. As I trained with these people I learn the secrets to big muscle and I used these secrets when I developed the Quick Change Way of Training.

Guaranteed Results

A Proven Path to Success

Building muscle is one of the most difficult things a person can do. I’ve been forty-five plus years learning and teaching bodybuilding. The chance a beginner can start out and successfully build the body of their dreams is about 3%, that’s it, not much hope if you need a change in your looks or strength. My students can expect 90 plus percent as a beginner with my guidance, plus I offer something no gym offers: 12 weeks with me, and I guarantee exactly what I promise, a new body or your money back, no ifs, ands, or buts.

Guaranteed Results

A Proven Path to Success

The only sure fire way to workout and get results everytime is to join my 12 week full body transformation. I teach you everything I know so that when you complete my course you know what you do’n, and can workout at my facility or on your own.

I am the only person that so sure he can assure you he puts a money back guarantee with every course sold. So far I have in excess of 3,500 full successful transformations.

State-of-the-Art Equipment

My equipment was hand selected by me from all parts of America. What I couldn’t find or could not meet my stringent guidelines I either had custom made or I made myself. This equipment was modified to work much better and more efficiently. My equipment has to meet these

Tough qualifications –

Real Results from Real People


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          ANDREW JURD

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            ANDREW JURD

            ALEX DOVEY

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              ALEX DOVEY

              Weight management at the highest level. Clients come here when changing their bodies is a priority. We guarantee everything we do. If I said it, I'll do it or it's free. No ifs, ands, or butts.

              JOIN ME ON TRAINING

              TRAINING WITH ME

              About me



              how it work

              12-Week Body Transformation

              Our 12-week full-body transformation is based on my fundamentals series. In 12 simple weeks, we will teach you proven techniques to lose weight, build muscle, and transform your body. You’ll learn how to lose 300 lbs off upper and lower, and 150 lbs all over again. With these methods, you’ll experience 3x more muscle gain in half the time.

              BEFORE AND AFTER

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              Client Testimonials

              Contact Us

              BEFORE AND AFTER


              +1 214-792-9086


              820 S Carroll Ave, Dallas, Texas 75226

              Make Appointment

              Leave a message with your preferred appointment time.

              Gift Cards, Coupons, and Equipment available – inquire for more details.